I don’t know much about Palace skateboards, but after watching their promo video shot around NYC, I’m backing them 100%. The grainy VHS camera, the sound track, the weird intro imagery that feels like I’m becoming brainwashed by some Russian propaganda film – I wouldn’t have it any other way. Forget what other companies tell you, THIS IS ACTUAL STREET SKATEBOARDING. Amazing lines though crowds, cracks, cars and other natural New York habitat. Leave the generators, lights and jigsaws at home.
The grainy bars and VHS not only bring out the 90’s nostalgia, but skateboarding in NYC isn’t smooth, perfect, so why should the footage be? If you are skateboarding ground zero why should you have some fuckin’ HD camera where someone can see every slow mo flick and landing like some fashion runway replay. It kind of makes stuff like this look like some sugarcoated Cali skate dreamland, tear jerking indie rock soundtrack included.
"I've been terrified of garnering the reputation of 'ramp-tramp' or 'pro-ho' just from spending time with skaters."
"Never has my gay life intersected with my skateboarding life. If anything, maybe I’d worked to pull them apart."
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May 5, 2011 9:21 am
Can’t agree more with the sentiment of this article. I live in south London where Palace was born and have seen their team skate. They are real street skaters in every sense. The companies image and their videos are bang on representing them and what they’re about. I’ve been riding a Palace board for a few weeks now and I have no idea who presses their wood but it’s poppy as hell and the graphics top and bottom are sweet as. If people like this vid they should definitely look up older promos as they are well worth a look.
May 15, 2011 11:30 pm
When I decided to learn street skateboarding I was in a dilemma many skaters will identify with, I wanted to start at the top with some spectacular flip tricks and rail tricks that would have my friends jaws a-drop. But soon enough I realized that skating is an art of slow, small steps, and you have to give yourself room to reverse, always an escape hatch. Evan Goodfellow’s introduction to flat world curb tricks was just what the doctor ordered.
I’ve never seen Goodfellow in person, but the clips I saw convinced me he knew what he was talking about. I started on page one and never really looked back. Funny to think of pro Evan posing for the photo set where he just ollies up a curb over and over again, must be like child’s play to him. Soon enough he’s onto switch stances and the “half cab noseslide,” one of the most surprising of the curb tricks he outlines. On the wax debate, Goodfellow places himself firmly on the pro-wax team, even going so far as to suggest we abolish skate parks in favor of imitation city curbs and lots and call them our parks.
You have to hand it to the photographer too. They certainly don’t skimp on photos unlike some of the other so called intros to skateboarding. The photographer, Tadashi Yamaoda, prints his slides in a clever greyscale system so that the deep background of each picture, the city skyline and so on, appears only in a fog of light gray, and the important details of the foreground are rendered in sharp black clarity. Very useful. A disclaimer at the beginning of the book says to wear safety equipment while skateboarding, but neither Evan nor any of his fellow models doing the tricks in the book look like they’re wearing any gear, maybe a jockstrap possibly? Oh well, we get the picture, it’s a sport that takes balls and talent.
February 28, 2015 5:21 pm
What, run that by me one more time?
December 1, 2012 11:04 am
It’s two good vids honestly. Slow mo stretches the footy out. That’s why they do it.
March 26, 2013 12:18 am
the link with daryl cali footage is pretty lame, but sadly daryl has the ability to do every trick in these videos. shitty skate spots doesnt make up for shitty skating. the guy making the distinction between coasts so fervently is also the one who “takes it easy” on those cold humid east coast night sessions. i just like seeing backlips and frontside flips cause im from cali. fucking hardcore east coast skating doesnt need an asterisk that says its cold and there is cracks in the ground. go skate more and you might actually be able to do things that are as nice to look at as daryl