July 24, 2011/ / INTERVIEWS/ Comments: 4

Previously unreleased:

Were you surprised by the response you got from the footage and interview?
Reading people’s reactions from the interview was overwhelming but overall I’m pleased with how it came out. You guys went for the throat. A lot of people had a lot of really nice things to say, it was incredible. I do want to say, the interview was just a small moment of my life from like 10 years ago. I think, my best years came after that when I skated for Globe and Chapman.

Anything you wanted to add?
In Mickey’s defense, at the time I quit Stereo, I took back a painting that I gave him because I didn’t want him to destroy it and I copied all my skate footage, knowing that once I quit I’d never see it again. I worked really hard for a year up to that point. Does that warrant a beatdown? I don’t know. Maybe. I think he was just standing up for himself and I do think Mickey is a good person. I probably know more about him then most people, he was the closest thing that I had to a Dad. Beyond that, although I didn’t like Deluxe’s business I did enjoy riding for Stereo, [Chris] Pastras looked out for me. I should have stuck it out for him.

Where did that footage that you kept from Stereo end up going?
I had a FTC part, a lot of it went in there. A couple of clips went in the best of edit that’s already on your site.

When you saw all these people’s comments were you bummed out? Especially that you cant physically be skating at that level anymore?
No, not at all. Just the idea when you put something out there, and it’s honest, it can be hard to stomach. I cracked a few beers.

When is this new unreleased footage from?
2006-2009. There was some stuff that I filmed in 2010, but the filmer, is just MIA. I can’t get a hold of him, I’m really bummed out because it’s really good footage, I was skating pretty well. I would have loved to add it to the edit. I think he’s known to hold onto footage.

Any trick in it you were particularly happy about?
The frontside crooked grind pop out on the flatbar (@ 0:13). At the spot, people mostly skate the hip. It’s not known for people to skate the railing because it’s a really gnarly spot. There was a rumor that Guy Mariano backslide tailslid it which I couldn’t believe until I recently saw the footage. But it’s Guy, he obviously does that shit. I was just really proud of it, it’s got a jagged edge and it’s really rough and hard to skate.

Are you skating at all now?
Not really, just because I have a family, and I’m preparing for an art show. I just don’t have time. DGvisions.com is my art site and obviously I’m on Facebook too. I am having a show in downtown LA on September 8th, for details check out the flyer here


  1. adam

    July 26, 2011 4:02 am

    Jenkem you have the power ,through slaps forum witch loves you (IMO), and the love i have for you, to make a danny g comeback… and i was not even really a fan before this new footy, besides of course the kickflip melon wallenburg,and a couple other shots(SS 360 flip foot plant). But i guess this drunk post is really a request post for more shit that is “underground” and/or, “unspoken” in the skateboard world, because there are dinosaurs: and they must die, so that the people who deserve it and a curiously large amount that need to have the right mag out to help them out become the best boarders they can be and you know the right one’s who don’t care about “the money”, just knowledge that there boarding exist and is correct. Thankyou jenkem for beging on the correct side of boarding the whole time. i guess this is a love letter. LOVE… Adamwhiteman2@gmail.com, @velocirapedher on slap.

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