The strong push for skateboarding to be included in the Olympics continues, as shown by this recent video pitch displayed on the International Skateboarding Federation’s (ISF) website. Although the everyday skateboarder may not be familiar with the ISF, they are skateboarding’s governing body with the goal to “to provide direction and governance for the sport of skateboarding worldwide.” While the discussion of skateboarding’s inclusion into the Olympics has been going on for a long time, that doesn’t mean everyday skaters should not be aware or have a voice in how our activity is being defined and marketed.
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October 22, 2013 12:35 pm
Wasn’t the ISF original in control by rollerbladers and such, and since then Tony Hawk has tried to take ownership, along with the owner of Woodward.? And he said that he’d rather it not be in the Olympics, but if it is, he’s rather have it in the hands of skateboarders than D-bag rollerbladers…I heard something about this a while ago and just can’t remember what it was. This def needs a follow up.
I for one do not want skateboarding in the olympics. It is not a sport….Besides the only people that would pass the drug test are either 12 years old, or Shaun White.
October 22, 2013 1:40 pm
“Besides the only people that would pass the drug test are either 12 years old, or Shaun White.”
This is so fucking gross, I hope it never gets into the Olympics.
October 22, 2013 1:40 pm
I meant to add that that was the funniest comment.
October 22, 2013 4:28 pm
i heard a rumor shaun is no strange to party hard
October 22, 2013 6:19 pm
i read that in the best foreign accent
February 18, 2014 12:38 am
I don’t get how skateboarding is any different then snowboarding.
So why can’t we get skating in the Olympics? Because of drugs? Are you forgetting that the snowboarding culture is almost exactly the same and skateboarding, except for one having snow obviously.
Your comment was very unessasary and uncalled for. I do find it funny, but as being a skateboarder your being very very ignorant.
Do you think Paul Rodriguez does lines in his bathrooms? Do you think Andrew Reynolds went to rehab to get back on drugs? Do you really think the competing side of skateboarders is smoking weed on the side of the park? The only ones doings his stuff are the ones NOT competing and are focusing on video parts. This is mostly the death wish distribution e.g. Baker, death wish, shake junt. The only consistent drug that professional skateboarders consistently take is weed, which by the Olympics standerds are only tested for the week/days of competition and week before the comp. not months.
So next time before you make a comment think.
July 1, 2014 1:01 am
Sorry that some how ended up here. Didn’t mean that for you.
July 1, 2014 1:00 am
Shows what you know. Shaun White is such a coke head he makes Nikki Six look like a AA graduate. And who are you to say that shit anyway? How is it not a sport? Just cause you can’t ride one means it’s not a sport, HA! I’d love to see you do one thing those people can do on those boards, good luck on that and actually most of them are not known for doing drugs at all, aside from Football fans such as your self who love watching grown ass men slap eachothers asses all day long or watch 8 year old girls in tights do a spread. I think that’s good enough to cover all the “Sports” you may be mentioning. Grow up just because YOU don’t like it don’t mean it’s not a sport, and aside from Shaun (Carrot top) White whos the biggest douche out of all of them they also show each other allot of sportsmanship which is some thing your so called professional athletes has been missing for a long long time.
July 1, 2014 1:04 am
Shows what you know. Shaun White is such a coke head he makes Nikki Six look like a AA graduate. And who are you to say that shit anyway? How is it not a sport? Just cause you can’t ride one means it’s not a sport, HA! I’d love to see you do one thing those people can do on those boards, good luck on that and actually most of them are not known for doing drugs at all, aside from Football fans such as your self who love watching grown ass men slap eachothers asses all day long or watch 8 year old girls in tights do a spread. I think that’s good enough to cover all the “Sports” you may be mentioning. Grow up just because YOU don’t like it don’t mean it’s not a sport, and aside from Shaun (Carrot top) White whos the biggest douche out of all of them they also show each other allot of sportsmanship which is some thing your so called professional athletes has been missing for a long long time. Besides any fatass that’s 6 feet tall can be a block, If your armchair perspective of what sports are means anything, finish your greasy burger and your fries, Smoke a cig. and then go out there, get a board, find a half pipe and see just how long you are out there before crash landing on your face. And remember to post that shit on youtube so everyone can laugh at you ;)
February 9, 2016 7:05 pm
you are an idiot. how the fuck could rollerbladers have anything to do with skateboarding in the olympics? rollerblading isnt in the X GAMES. and You calling rollerbladers D-bags makes you sound like a bigger dildo. remember Justin Beiber skateboards and you have frat dudes buying longboards and pushing mongo. get off my nuts
October 22, 2013 12:55 pm
no not never…. you should too
*fuck ISF
October 22, 2013 1:41 pm
well, well, well….
keep that red shit out of skateboarding… please
October 22, 2013 2:08 pm
i will declare world war 3 if this happens