After years of working in skateboarding as a photographer, and years of struggling with the fact that he was gay, Sam came to his conclusion: it wasn’t possible for the two worlds to coexist.
Skateboarding has traditionally been close minded in regards to sexual orientation. We still don’t even have an openly gay professional skateboarder. Because of this atmosphere, Sam wanted out. His plan was to leave skateboarding at age thirty, come out on Facebook and live judgment free in Iceland.
Sam turned thirty last week, and we are happy to report that he never went through with his plan. Instead, he decided to come out and to share his struggle with the world. This is Sam’s story.
You’ve worked in skateboarding as a photographer for a while now. When did you decide you wanted to come out?
I went through a phase 2 years ago where it was eating me up. It was hard living the double life, I was dating someone at the time and switching all these pronouns to cover myself up. I’m not a good liar either. Slowly I started to come out to a few people. People I knew wouldn’t care, which was probably just to bump up my ego. The skate world is small. I figured I’d tell 5 people, they’d tell 5 people and then maybe it’d be easier that way.
The real turning point was when Oliver Barton [photographer] called me. He is pretty much the reason I got into shooting skateboarding, and luckily I’ve become good friends with him over the years. We were talking one day and he just kind of flat out asked, “Does it fuck you up?” And I was like, “What…?” He repeated, “Does it fuck you up? Do you feel like you have to watch who you tell?” I asked him what he meant and he was like, “C’mon dude, I know what you’re dealing with.” I was driving at the time and I pulled over and just lost it.
Nobody had ever asked me until that point, and at the time I was just going crazy, struggling with it so much. I have amazing friends, don’t get me wrong, and it’s a sensitive subject, but he was the first person who just reached out and kinda took a huge burden off of me. I also wasn’t living healthy at the time and I knew it, so for someone to just say, “Are you OK?” I don’t know, it was life-changing.
I sat there for probably a half hour just losing it, crying like someone had died because, not to be dramatic, I think a part of me did. I felt like I could maybe be happy. For so long, I was just miserable and scared, and never thought I could do anything. Then to have someone call and say that… I really thought that I was going to die over this, and that I was never going to be happy. It made me start to think, maybe skating isn’t as homophobic as people would pin it to be? Maybe I just gotta give people a chance. That was the moment when I was like, “Alright, if Oli called me and said everything’s cool, what the fuck do I care anymore?”
”I really thought that I was going to die over this, and that I was never going to be happy”
What were you so worried about? What was the nightmare situation?
To be brutally honest, I’ve been in some scenarios where people have said some pretty nasty shit about some gay people in public. So worst-case scenario, I was freaked out I would get beat up. Most of it was just people talking shit, and the people who have said it have actually been really supportive – it’s just scary at the time because you’re going through it and have no idea how people will react.
One time I remember I was on a trip and this guy that was hosting us said something – he was kidding, but he made a joke about being gay to everyone. Then he goes, “Ha, I know none of you guys are, I’d beat the shit out of you if any of you were.” I don’t want to make this overly dramatic because it was a joke, but it’s really scary when you hear hazing stories on the news or people getting beat up for being gay. It’s obviously not those days anymore, but I felt a little terrified to be honest.
That trip, it was kind of funny looking back. I remember I was too scared to even look at porn because I seriously thought that somehow through the internet router there would be a way to check any websites I’d been on. It sounds super crazy now, but at the time I just remember it being such a real fear…I better just stick to CNN.
Do you feel like skateboarding is more homophobic than other sports?
I think it’s a bit complicated since other sports have more of a team environment, but in short, I’d say no. You don’t really need anyone else to get into skating. In other sports, it’s pretty hard to do alone. You can’t play football by yourself, so if there’s only one kid in your town who plays football, and he hates gay people, you’re kind of fucked. If there’s only one kid in your town who skates, you can still actually skate, it just might be alone. I think maybe skating might have a bit more tolerance just because it’s skating. You just deal with so many different people on a daily basis out on the streets. Plus, it’s a bit of an insecure sport and we are all a bit weird. Even pros can feel left out, like dudes who have big pro shoe contracts even feel insecure sometimes. I think skateboarding’s a bit better to adapting to this idea of being a misfit.
Why do you think skateboarders and people that work in the industry can be so insecure?
It’s a strange industry, and things can change very quickly. A lot of people don’t make a lot of money and unexpected things can happen. Like, look at Sean Malto. Luckily, he’s got the support of Nike and these people that have turned his injury into a marketing campaign. He’s quite lucky that he’s in that boat versus somebody that blows their knee out and they are done.
I don’t know how NFL contracts work, but it seems like if players get hurt, they sort of ride out one contract into another and just sort of trickle around earning at least league minimum for years. In skating it seems a little different. One skater gets hurt and 6 months later the sponsors start wondering what’s up, why they are paying them as much—sometimes there’s a new up and coming ripper competing for their place. It’s a competitive thing, that can be super temporal and I think sometimes it creates this environment of insecurity.
Plus, I really don’t think anyone would deny this: it’s quite small, it’s very connected, and sometimes can be a bit gossipy, which can make for a bit of an insecure environment. Take Dylan [Rieder] for example. Dylan’s got a loud way of dressing, dramatic V Neck shirts, team handsome vibes and people are saying crazy shit about it. Nevermind the fact he’s killing it skating.
Why is anyone gonna wanna come out, when people are being so ignorant saying he’s stupid for wearing four rings on his hand? He’s a skater… Why aren’t we just letting him skate? Nobody is freaking out about what Lebron James does in his spare time.. No one’s really documenting the flaming moments of Lebron James but if they did, I think basketball would start to become more insecure too.
Was there any specific time or times when you distanced yourself from a particular job or skate crew because you felt uncomfortable around them?
Yeah… pretty much my whole career, really. I think it was more the personal relationships with people, because in skateboarding you tend to become really good friends with the people you work with. Like editors and photo editors… that really suffered over the years. Had I dealt with it, I think it would have helped with being less awkward around people, maybe build better relationships.
The only time I felt so uncomfortable I wanted to leave was once on tour. At a diner there happened to be a bunch of gays, drag queens and trannys. One person was being particularly verbal about his opinions, so I went outside and pretended to make a phone call and sorta hid out. A few people ended up speaking up and the person that was freaking out actually left the tour first. That was the only time I really felt like I needed to like, flee a situation though.
Were there any times when you got “called out” in public for being gay?
One time Malto was in town, and we went to West Hollywood for Sammy Winters’ pro release party. Wieger [Van Wageningen] was there too. Wieger is hard to describe but he’s the best. Really awesome dude, he means well, but he just says what’s on his mind. He just yells, “SAM! I HEARD YOU WERE A FAGGOT!” in front of everybody. He was like, “That’s so cool! That’s so cool! I’m sure that was really hard!” And I was like, “Yeah, I’m just not the best at talking about it,” and he’s like “Yeah, I probably wouldn’t wanna talk about sucking dick either!” [laughs].
Everyone was just laughing because he definitely made a scene about it, but in this weird way it was kind of cool. I think one of the most awkward parts about coming out is having to ostracize yourself, it’s you and them. This was just like, you’re just another dude at the bar. Which sounds dumb, but when you’re holding onto it for so long, I just wanted people to know, so I could move on. It was perfect.
Everyone else was cool about it too. He was yelling, “Let’s turn this into your coming out party!” and just went around to everybody and was like, “Did you know Sam’s gay?!” He’s going over to people like Jerry Hsu, “Did you know Sam’s gay?” And Jerry would be like, “No, whoa! Crazy! That’s cool.” High five.
Do you think if a pro skater came out it would be a big deal? Do you think his or her sponsors would care?
I mean, I guess it depends on the company and the skater, you know? That one’s a tough question because that’s as much business as it is politics. Do I think a company is going to drop a skater because they are gay? No, and I think that’s sort of been proven. However, will a company openly endorse, or make like a pro Gay Rights shoe? I doubt it, but just because I’m not sure business wise if it would make sense?
It depends who comes out. If it’s an up and coming Am who’s starting to get coverage, I don’t know. Maybe I’m giving people way more credit but, it’s skating. All these companies are pretty progressive. I can’t believe they are all THAT close minded. Maybe they are, but I just can’t really see it.
”Saying stuff is ‘gay’ just makes people sound a bit stupid”
Does it bother you when people say something like “that stairset is gay?”
It did in the past, but now it just makes me laugh. Not many people really say that anymore. Saying stuff is “gay” just makes people sound a bit stupid, not just to me, but to a lot of people I think. It’s a two way street. It’s important for people who say it understand why it’s offensive. When someone drops an ice cream cone and says, “Oh that’s so gay!” subconsciously every gay person thinks, “Am I as lame as a dropped ice cream cone?” I think people gotta realize that’s why it offends people, cause at one point I wanted to die and was scared of who my friends were because people would say so and so was gay. As I’ve gotten a bit older though, I kind of realize that change takes time, and it’s important to be patient with people.
Any parting words? What would you like for someone to take away from this interview?
Really I just wanted to do it in hopes to inspire at least one person to just sort their head out if they are struggling with it. This sorta stuff has always been labeled so taboo in skating, but things are changing and it’s, hopefully, not the way it was. Hopefully this inspires people to think, and talk, and maybe just bring it out into the open and maybe that can help some other people struggling with it too.
I wish I had some words of wisdom, and some epic quote, but my only advice is to not worry so much about fitting in. To me, skateboarding was born out of misfits. People that didn’t want to fit in because fitting in is stupid, and normal people are fucking boring. Just be happy, be yourself, be gay as fuck if you want to, just don’t lose out on life, and don’t give up on skating.
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July 1, 2014 3:21 pm
last words were inspiring, never stop skating you fucks, never…
July 6, 2014 3:57 am
Yawn. Just more “hick” and “closet queer” accusations. Oh, and now I may as well be a racist too. Be careful, Dumbfinder. Most black people don’t like it one bit when queers compare their struggle to the black civil rights movement. Why? Because race has absolutely nothing to deviant sexual behavior. And if there were such thing as a queer gene (there isn’t), it would be a genetic flaw. Nature itself dictates that men are attracted to women for the very survival of the human race. Are you going to deny this basic truth? My guess is “yes,” since this website just had an article celebrating some dude who acts and dresses like a girl. Have you forgotten what you learned in kindergarten? Boys have penises and girls have vaginas? Have you really been so brainwashed that you are going to deny biological reality?
And I don’t believe in the illumaniti, but I do know this– Before the mid 90’s, queers were rarely portrayed in movies and tv shows, and if they were, they were the butt of jokes. This attitude also reflected society as a whole up until then. Queers stayed in the closet and we made fun of them for their bizarre and disgusting behavior. But everything changed around the mid-90’s. Suddenly, queer characters were everywhere in movies and TV, and now they always playing positive roles models. And anyone who didn’t accept queers as normal was a dumb, uneducated buffoon or closet queer. The whole reality TV era took things to an even higher level, since they were actual queers, and not just actors playing them. Suddenly, real live queers were in your home…and they are fun and fabulous people! Yay!!
All of this queer propaganda was no accident. It was all spelled out in the book, and the queers who run all of Hollywood took it and ran with it. It’s a safe guess that I’m much older than most of you. I’ve probably been skating for close to twice as long as some of you have been alive. Sadly, your generation has never known anything but the sugar-coated queer propaganda. You’ve been slowly brainwashed to deny your most basic instincts about queer behavior. That’s really the whole reason I threw out all the references to anal licking and coprophilia. It was a form of shock therapy. I was trying shock you back into reality, but it looks like some of you are beyond hope. That’s also why I asked you to think way back to when you first heard about what queers do. If you’re truly straight, then you were grossed out. Will you not even admit that? And what changed since then?
July 7, 2014 5:53 pm
Your simple mind still cannot grasp that YOUR OWN logic defines gayness as sexually deviant behavior. But see you are defining what deviates from the norm. I would argue YOUR OWN logic defines ass fucking as you stated earlier, as an evolutionary “no poop on my dick” nature response.
But here’s where YOUR OWN….(but you don’t follow logic do you) logic says…..
All ass fucking is gay
Jesus ass fucked Mary
Jesus is gay
You also don’t read much of the articles on here do you. If one transgender skater and one gay photographer article out of hundreds has you labeling this entire website as furthering the homosexual illuminatti’s agenda…..well there you go again with that logical genius gene you seem to have.
Your pretty diluted to think you can’t do what Dumbfinder did to your second paragraph and again you just look like an arrogant white priveledge in the closet dog kicking asshole. Shorten your paragraph and it reads…
before the 50s blacks were rarely seen in movies and tv shows….they even had an ongoing skit called black face. And you obviously didn’t see Bossom Buddies or Threes company to get the hint (of course the early stages of the homoilluminati) that some gay things were about to spread like the virus you wish it were. And you don’t know much about human history and things called plays, you know the television before television. Broadway…..drama class… all existed before Hollywood stoops.
I’m glad your closing arguements go on to refer to the homoilluminattis book as “The Book”….thats just FUCKING AWESOME! And will close with trying to follow your last arguments logic. Which there is none.
I don’t think I’ve ever changed my opinion on homosexuality. It doesn’t matter to me and that is YOUR root problem. Its a problem for you. But your own thought process of it being problematic (as displayed above) DOES NOT FOLLOW SIMPLE LOGIC. So cool, be retarded. Not a big deal. Lots of people are.
Regardless of my long windedness, skate on bro, I know I’m not going to change your opinion. But don’t say a bunch of dumb parrot shit and expect someone not to point out your lack of a chromosome.
Evolution could easily account for homosexuality. Population control. Lifes not that bad nor hard to figure out if your not blinded but whatever dumbshit you surround yourself with.
July 9, 2014 2:13 pm
I like this guy ^^^ Nose Bonk, you do good work! Skate on buddy!
July 10, 2014 6:56 pm
So much warped thinking here I don’t even know where to begin.
You wanna talk logic?? There is nothing logical about sticking your penis up someone’s butt. The rectum clearly exists to release excrement from the lower intestinal tract. It’s a foul-smelling, eColi-infested chamber with a dangerously-thin, non-self-lubricating, non-elastic membrane that easily tears with even minor trauma, allowing diseases (esp. AIDS, a blood disease) to quickly enter the bloodstream. It was never meant for a penis to be rammed up into it. Common sense and logic should tell you that, especially when there’s a perfectly-compatible, pleasurable receptacle provided by nature that also allows your sperm to fertilize an egg– the ultimate biological purpose for sex (reproduction).
And those guys who do anal with women?? They’re sickos, too. But at least they are attracted to women and still make use of the proper receptacle as well.
And there’s absolutely no real scientist, biologist or evolutionist who would refer to the inability of a specimen to naturally reproduce as a positive trait for any species. Population control?? Heheh. That’s a good one. I hadn’t heard that one yet. I see the queer propagandists are busy spinning more false science to try to justify their perversion (just like the myth of “gay” animals). That’s completely ignorant, backwards thinking. Biology itself has no awareness of the environment any species will be born into. It can’t decide to limit itself for population control because there may not be enough food available. All it knows is how to create and sustain life itself.
So what’s the only “logic” proclaimed by the queers and their allies to justify their perversion? Basically it’s always been, “There’s always been queers and they can’t stop their desires and behavior, therefore it must be normal.” But there’s always been all sorts of mental illnesses out there…bizarre desires, behaviors, fetishes, etc. So we must then apply that same logic to ALL mental illnesses as well. But that would be crazy (unfortunately that’s the road we are heading down I’m afraid). By the way, the only reason psychologists finally declassified queerness as a mental disorder in the 70’s was because activists kept storming into their medical conventions and threatening them verbally and physically. A few assaults even occurred, The doctors finally gave in out of fear. Look it up.
I won’t waste anymore time on this. It’s pointless when dealing with a brainwashed individual. Facts, science and logic don’t apply. And if you really weren’t disgusted the first time someone told you about what queers do, then it looks like we’ve found the real closet queer. Just sayin.
Oh, and I’ll save you the trouble from replying and do it for you–
Closet queer!
You’re welcome :)
July 10, 2014 8:39 pm
“So much warped thinking here I don’t even know where to begin”. I switch up some words of your own where no response was warranted and exemplified your extra chromosome…and responded to some
“You wanna talk logic?? There is nothing logical about sticking your penis in someones mouth.. The mouth clearly exists to eat food that ends up in the lower intestinal tract. It’s a foul-smelling, venereal-disease-infested chamber with a dangerously-thin non-elastic membrane that easily tears with even minor trauma, allowing diseases (esp. AIDS, a blood disease) to quickly enter the bloodstream. Not to mention it contains teeth. It was never meant for a penis to be rammed up into it. Common sense and logic should tell you that, especially when there’s a perfectly-compatible, pleasurable receptacle provided by nature that also allows your sperm to fertilize an egg– the ultimate biological purpose for sex (reproduction).”
“And those guys who do anal with women?? They’re sickos, too. But at least they are attracted to women and still make use of the proper receptacle as well. ”
(With dudes like yourself OG…there’s ALOT of dudes “fakin it to make it”. And since you grasp biology, there’s where the gene is passed dumbass)
And there’s absolutely no real scientist, biologist or evolutionist who would refer to the inability of a specimen to naturally reproduce as a positive trait for any species. Population control?? Heheh. That’s a good one. I hadn’t heard that one yet. I see the queer propagandists are busy spinning more false science to try to justify their perversion (just like the myth of “gay” animals). That’s completely ignorant, backwards thinking.
Here’s two studies you payed for just with 20 seconds of googling….dismissing your animal arguement as “ignorant bacwards thinking”
Denial can be a boarderline disorder there OG….careful.
This one will blow your brain that completely incapable of wrapping your mind about how a genetic response might be passed on….
“Biology itself has no awareness of the environment any species will be born into. It can’t decide to limit itself for population control because there may not be enough food available. All it knows is how to create and sustain life itself. ”
(Agreed but evolution dictates the survival of the fittest, and the fittest species might include protective measures against population vs. resources. A reason its seen in species after species. HOMOSEXUALITY. I know you can’t swallow the truth. I mean a dick isn’t meant for that)
“So what’s the only “logic” proclaimed by the queers and their allies to justify their perversion? Basically it’s always been, “There’s always been queers and they can’t stop their desires and behavior, therefore it must be normal.” But there’s always been all sorts of mental illnesses out there…bizarre desires, behaviors, fetishes, etc. So we must then apply that same logic to ALL mental illnesses as well. But that would be crazy (unfortunately that’s the road we are heading down I’m afraid). By the way, the only reason psychologists finally declassified queerness as a mental disorder in the 70′s was because activists kept storming into their medical conventions and threatening them verbally and physically. A few assaults even occurred, The doctors finally gave in out of fear. Look it up.”
(A question for you is why is any man sticking his dick in a females ass or mouth not considered someone with a mental illness. As you said…they’re “sickos”. Cute. Your mental illness isn’t allowing you to follow simple logic. You’re destined to be retarded. Its cool.)
I won’t waste anymore time on this. It’s pointless when dealing with a brainwashed individual. Facts, science and logic don’t apply.
(You keep coming back…..and I’ve given you lots of links…to lots of science. That you paid for, which is FUCKING AWESOME!)
And if you really weren’t disgusted the first time someone told you about what queers do, then it looks like we’ve found the real closet queer. Just sayin.
I’ll repeat, its not in my diary/journal the day I found out what gay sex was. Apparently unless the horrors of gay sex have your mind remembering the day then YOU ARE GAY. I don’t remember how I truely felt about 9/11 when it happened. Does that make me a terrorist? Or a al-qaeda lover? Or a murderer? No you fucking cunt. I remember my first board, or my first kickflip. Not when the concept of gay or even fucking hetero sex was described to me. Fuck I probably saw porn first. Your idea of what decides someone gayness is how they responsded when first told about it. Do you listen to yourself speak/type/talk?? That’s like saying if a kid didn’t instinctively know the first time he was told what the definition of murder was and as long as he didn’t responde accordingly….well then he/she’s a murderer. Are you fucking kidding me??
Your right you’re not a…
Closet queer!
Your are simply a retard.
You’re welcome :)