October 14, 2014/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 24

Skateboarding goes through economic ups and downs, and when it starts to look bleak, it’s the people who actually care about skateboarding, who will do anything to make it work, that will survive. Eugene Kang is one of these people, running Terminal skateshop out of his tiny living room in NYC, making a living selling skateboards. There are no store hours or restrictions: If he picks up the phone and he’s awake, he’s open for business. Eugene will even deliver and bring skate goods to you, if you aren’t too far away of course. With the skateshop only being advertised through word of mouth, the shop isn’t that well known outside of his neighborhood yet. To find out more, we took the train uptown to check out his apartment / shop and documented this local’s story with support from Levi’s Skateboarding.

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  1. On the Mike

    October 14, 2014 3:02 pm

    Weighing food out. Have been there. Much respect keeping things rolling for you and the scene. With actual hardgoods. That is really unique. A great true story in the time of major iconic brands closing shop and energy drinks and shoes a pros main source of income.

    With the demise Alien Workshop and Black Label moving back to Lucero’s garage. The whole economics of skateboardiwkng has seen so many changes.

    So to see the spirit of DIY live is inspiring. Whatever the soul of skateboarding is, I am not sure. Fun, feeling of freedom, self motivated.come to mind. I like how he followed through an built his selection and inventory. Even in lean times. Plus he still skates, which is nice to see also, as for many the business side of skateboarding supposedly can take the fun out of it for many, as noted in p,any pro nterviews. This is keeping it real gone right!

  2. natsherman

    October 14, 2014 3:10 pm

    old fart here getting back into after over 20 years. just like Benji’s in the old days.

  3. Harold

    October 14, 2014 3:49 pm

    LEVI’S!?!? HAHAHA!!
    SO CORE!!!

  4. that_guy

    October 14, 2014 5:06 pm

    Levis® better be throwing some scratch at this dude if they’re piggy-backing on this video.

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