March 18, 2015/ / Podcast/ Comments: 27


What’s this? A podcast? Yup – we’re doing it – and who better to be a host then former professional skateboarder, Mr. Tim O’Connor. The Tim O’Connor show will be a little bit of everything: interviews with your favorite pros, poo jokes, investigations into “deep” skate topics, sk8 industry controversy and maybe even a joke or two.

With that in mind, we invite you to help us start this thing off on the right foot by sending in questions to sir Tim. Life advice, skate questions, rants or dick pics, we’ll take it all – so please write the official podcast email and Tim will answer them in the first episode, dropping next week (cross your fingers).

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  1. cherboi

    March 18, 2015 11:41 am

    guess him on the bam magera game show didn’t work out too weLL!

    • Tim O'Connor

      March 18, 2015 3:06 pm

      It worked out great as far as getting one hefty check but the show sucked so there is no way a second season is happening. So onward and so forth to the next thing my good sir. Ya gotta do something else other than staring at the wall and pull on your pud all day.

      • Josh

        August 19, 2015 10:54 am

        Powerful Tim O’Connor. I listen to podcasts and skate everyday. Super stoked to finally have a skatecast to listen to at work. Listening to the Mark Gonzales interview right now. Fuckin legit

  2. chillin

    March 18, 2015 11:46 am

    hell YES!

  3. Nic

    March 18, 2015 12:15 pm

    why does’nt Tim do a youtube show instead of this ?

  4. Harold

    March 18, 2015 12:24 pm

    It’s like Alex Olson just without all that relevance.

    • Tim O'Connor

      March 18, 2015 3:08 pm

      Not exactly. And I’m relevant to the older arthritic generation so it’s time to milk my name for whatever it’s worth…which probably isn’t much. But fuck it! I’ve been beating off too much and need an extra hobby.

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