March 18, 2015/ / Podcast/ Comments: 27


What’s this? A podcast? Yup – we’re doing it – and who better to be a host then former professional skateboarder, Mr. Tim O’Connor. The Tim O’Connor show will be a little bit of everything: interviews with your favorite pros, poo jokes, investigations into “deep” skate topics, sk8 industry controversy and maybe even a joke or two.

With that in mind, we invite you to help us start this thing off on the right foot by sending in questions to sir Tim. Life advice, skate questions, rants or dick pics, we’ll take it all – so please write the official podcast email and Tim will answer them in the first episode, dropping next week (cross your fingers).

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  1. the dude

    March 18, 2015 1:29 pm

    this is long overdue!

  2. Heelflip Indy

    March 18, 2015 5:25 pm

    The best shit talker in skateboarding with the best shit talking site, this is a perfect union. What is there not to love? Skateboarding needs this.

    • oliver

      March 18, 2015 9:51 pm

      oh,man,skateboarding needs this,indeed!
      as much as i love it,it produces anecdotes worthy of joke and ruthles parody.
      i mean,nobody like him has ever told this one:

      permission to rip,Sir?
      permission granted,soldier!

      …and he won the demo!


  3. dominic

    March 18, 2015 7:43 pm

    Hey Tim, Ive been a fan of your skateboarding ever since I was a child. That whole time, i kept thinking, “I bet he is really interesting and funny!” Thanks buddy!

  4. Zherge One

    March 18, 2015 11:15 pm

    Get this thing on iTunes so I can plug it into my head at work.

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