March 18, 2015/ / Podcast/ Comments: 27


What’s this? A podcast? Yup – we’re doing it – and who better to be a host then former professional skateboarder, Mr. Tim O’Connor. The Tim O’Connor show will be a little bit of everything: interviews with your favorite pros, poo jokes, investigations into “deep” skate topics, sk8 industry controversy and maybe even a joke or two.

With that in mind, we invite you to help us start this thing off on the right foot by sending in questions to sir Tim. Life advice, skate questions, rants or dick pics, we’ll take it all – so please write the official podcast email and Tim will answer them in the first episode, dropping next week (cross your fingers).

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  1. fryanblores

    March 19, 2015 12:18 am

    Fuck yeah, negro!

  2. jaded

    March 19, 2015 5:17 am


    Best news I’ve heard all week.

  3. I Plane NY

    March 19, 2015 12:03 pm

    Tim fucking rules.. This is going to be excellent.

  4. Chris

    March 19, 2015 2:00 pm

    Hey Tim! I’m a big fan of you, and what you guys did for skateboarding on the east coast. I was born and raised in Philly and got serious about skating in what I believe was the “golden era” of east coast skateboarding. This was around the time that photosynthesis dropped (my all-time favorite video).
    I feel like skateboarding in Philly, particularly Love Park has had 3 major surges. The first surge being from the Ricky Oyola and Matt Reason dudes, the second being from guys like you, Pappalardo, Wenning, Kalis etc, and the current coming from the Skate Jawn, and Sabotage dudes. i guess my question for you is how do you feel about the current skateboarders that are coming out of philly? o you like the way they skate? I feel like that the guys skating in Philly now have followed more in the footsteps of the first wave of Philly skateboarding. They tend to skate more obscure stuff, tons of wallrides and alley skating. You guys were super technical, where as these guys are more raw. In my opinion they both are great, I just wanted to get your perspective.

    P.S. thanks for making variel flips cool. Hope your ankles aren’t giving ya any trouble.

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