April 14, 2015/ / Podcast/ Comments: 17

photo: Brian Gaberman

photo: Brian Gaberman

For episode 2, Tim drove his whole family straight from Arizona to Los Angeles so he could make it to Austyn Gillette’s house before he left to Coachella. Danny Garcia was there too, and the three former Habitat teammates talked about Street League, getting DUI’s on horseback and Brian Wenning losing his virginity.

We’ve gone and made it even easier for you to follow along too. Check the timeline, submitted questions, and mentioned links below the stream.

Keep sending emails to Tim loves it when his inbox is filled with things other than Viagra spam.

Listen below via Soundcloud and subscribe to the podcast through iTunes.


[4:30] Austyn Gillette’s Berlin sex story
[8:57] How Brian Wenning lost his virginity
[11:14] Danny Garcia gets a DUI
[18:00] Austyn’s fashion influences
[21:50] Danny Garcia’s music recommendations
[24:40] Suggestions for improving Street League
[28:39] Why Austyn Gillette left Habitat
[35:25] Austyn’s corporate sponsorship offers
[37:00] Quiksilver skate program stories
[39:00] Keith Hufnagel & HUF talk


[42:20] Alex Zaran: What kind of videos do you prefer, blockbuster videos like Plan B’s TRUE or indie ones like Shep Dawgs or A Happy Medium?

[44:51] Alex Zaran: Skateboarding is a lot more mainstream than it’s ever been. If you were a kid growing up with the skate industry as it is now, do you think you would have started skating?

[47:55] Jasmin Anis: Who has the best 360 flip, and who has the worst?

[51:24] David Lewis: “Have you ever lost a game of SKATE to Bam? Why did you kickflip the LOVE gap? Kerry had already done it like two years before you, so there was literally no reason.”

[53:23] David Lewis: “You’ve been known to double-flip. Who are some other people who have the license to double-flip?”

[54:56] Roberto Avalos: “Tim, what’s your stance on big corporate sponsors and their effect on the industry, seeing how you rode for Adidas and Nike?”

[57:46] John Hebert: “Dear Tim, the five-panel hat, high-water pants and weed socks have taken skateboarding by storm, what do you think will be the next required garment, or decade to emulate for a skateboarder to be considered cool amongst their peers?”

[58:29] Keegan Guizard: “Do you think it’s smart for a real talent in skating to go to college? Handfuls of dudes have done it: John Rattray, Walker Ryan, Mark Suciu, etc…”

[1:00:07] Diego Patrick: “What’s your advice to someone who sucks at skating but doesn’t want to live in the real world and get a boring job?”


Mitch Hedberg’s roundabout AIDS test joke.

Danny’s Garcia’s music suggestions: John D. Loudermilk, Arthur Russell, Sia

Worst 360 flips: Tyrone Olson, Nyjah Huston

Best 360 flips: Dennis Busenitz, Kelly Hart, Josh Kalis, Jovantae Turner, James Craig, Jason Lee, Austyn Gillette, Jonas Wray

Kerry Getz kickflips LOVE before Tim kickflips it.

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  1. Mike

    April 15, 2015 4:43 am

    Hi Tim,
    maybe in the future you can announce who’s gonna be on the Show a couple days in advance and then People could ask more specific questions about the People on the Show…
    Keep it up, cant wait for the next Episode.

  2. Chris

    April 15, 2015 9:50 am

    This is awesome and I love it. Tim needs his own late night show.

  3. Heath is scary.

    April 15, 2015 2:00 pm

    Proper double flip – Heath Kirchart. Don’t forget that beauty from Mindfield bump over table.

  4. Jor Lawrence

    April 15, 2015 2:43 pm

    good pod, just improve on the guests mic volume, excited to see whats in the future! (talk about HOCKEY, dill and aves new sub brand company)

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