August 10, 2015/ / Podcast/ Comments: 47

photo: brian gaberman

photo: brian gaberman

We don’t really need to write much of an introduction for this one. Tim got the elusive Mark Gonzales mic’d up for the fifth episode of the Tim Pod, and this one is so good we decided to turn it into a two parter. What is normally #goodpod, has become #greatpod.

Don’t forget to check out the show highlights, the submitted questions, and the links and mentions from this week’s episode. And, as always, send shit for Tim to talk about next time here:

Listen below via Soundcloud and subscribe to the podcast through iTunes.


[2:15] The Gonz rides Indy 215’s!
[5:45] What makes exceptional skateboarders and artists so weird?
[12:18] Gonz talks sports.
[18:30] How did Mark get into skateboarding?
[25:00] Invert technique and injuries.
[28:05] Dumpster diving for skate parts.
[37:10] Does art run in the Gonzales family?
[47:14] Fact checking Gonz folklore.
[58:00] Is Gonz an AO hater?


Mark Gonzales – Non-Fiction (1997)
Bill Strobeck almost dies while filming the Gonz on rollerskates for Transworld’s The Cinematographer Project.
Pat Duffy and The Gonz mid-air collision.
The Gonz eats shit at the LA Car Wash.
Mark Gonzales – Video Days (1991)


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  1. AlanPetersonIsStill#1

    August 10, 2015 11:40 pm

    I remember reading about Mark’s airport story in the Fresno Bee as a kid. Security was chasing him around and he slammed tying his shoe. This was when Mark was new hot sh@t at Vision. I cut that sucker out and had it on my wall for years. Pretty awesome.

  2. Nasse Boon

    August 11, 2015 5:03 am

    Hell yeah!!! Can’t wait for part 2!!

  3. Imtalkinhere

    August 11, 2015 9:42 am

    Quit cutting people off when talking Tim. Geez almost turned it off but it’s the Gonz so I didnt.

  4. LearnToListen

    August 11, 2015 12:30 pm

    Damn, such a great interview…when TIM stops interrupting!!! Advise for TIM, re-listen to your interviews, become aware of how often you interrupt and how much it sucks for the listener, learn to listen to your guest, and hopefully you’ll develop into a better interviewer. Hint: when Gonz changed the topic a dozen times while you’re talking, you were talking too long.

    • Oliver

      August 11, 2015 9:01 pm

      taking a lot of shit in here over your verbal incontinence,Tim? …hahahaha!
      maybe you should bring somebody to interview you so you can talk until loosing your breath without getting shit…holy shit,Tim,these guys are so demanding!
      can’t wait for part 2! this show is amazing.thanks!

    • I love listening to myself talk

      August 12, 2015 1:16 am

      he’s probably already listened to his own interviews and found it unbearable because Mark kept on interrupting him.

      • Oliver

        August 12, 2015 10:53 am

        hahahaha! i would love J Dill and Tim interviewing eachother.say,interrupting eachother for one hour.
        love this shit,though!
        this show should be weekly!

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