August 10, 2015/ / Podcast/ Comments: 47

photo: brian gaberman

photo: brian gaberman

We don’t really need to write much of an introduction for this one. Tim got the elusive Mark Gonzales mic’d up for the fifth episode of the Tim Pod, and this one is so good we decided to turn it into a two parter. What is normally #goodpod, has become #greatpod.

Don’t forget to check out the show highlights, the submitted questions, and the links and mentions from this week’s episode. And, as always, send shit for Tim to talk about next time here:

Listen below via Soundcloud and subscribe to the podcast through iTunes.


[2:15] The Gonz rides Indy 215’s!
[5:45] What makes exceptional skateboarders and artists so weird?
[12:18] Gonz talks sports.
[18:30] How did Mark get into skateboarding?
[25:00] Invert technique and injuries.
[28:05] Dumpster diving for skate parts.
[37:10] Does art run in the Gonzales family?
[47:14] Fact checking Gonz folklore.
[58:00] Is Gonz an AO hater?


Mark Gonzales – Non-Fiction (1997)
Bill Strobeck almost dies while filming the Gonz on rollerskates for Transworld’s The Cinematographer Project.
Pat Duffy and The Gonz mid-air collision.
The Gonz eats shit at the LA Car Wash.
Mark Gonzales – Video Days (1991)


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  1. Daniel

    December 18, 2015 4:05 pm

    Stick to written interviews Tim. That way you have the option to cut out all your unimpressive life stories. You’re interviewing THE GONZ. Pretty embarrassing on your part to convert this into an interview of yourself.

  2. j dee

    January 18, 2016 11:02 am

    first rule of an interview, let your subject speak! you were cutting off MARK GONZALES, one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet, mid coversation with your not-so-interesting banter. you got to go to his house and chill with him and listen to him wax, but you could not shut up about yourself the whole time. fuck, that was so aggravating.

  3. Dewey Bombs

    February 9, 2016 3:20 am

    Man I was thinking some comments were kinda harsh on Tim before hearing this interview. But it wasn’t harsh. Tim, with all do respect, please let the subject elaborate on what you are asking. That way, you can allow for them to lead into other topics. Then other questions surface that you hadnt planned. Now you might think “hey! It turned into 2 parts so ha!” But that’s because you dominate the conversation. It’s like you are on coke. Wait… Is that why you wouldn’t allow Mark Gonzales to complete a sentence? Because you sniffed a few rails before you asked about grinding rails. I really want to tune in but please take this as constructive criticism. And yes, this is what I do for a living.

  4. Jacob saurt

    August 30, 2017 11:44 pm

    So spot on with Alex Olsons pretentious ass

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