August 17, 2015/ / Podcast/ Comments: 13

photo: brian gaberman

photo: brian gaberman

As promised, here’s the second part of the Tim Show with Mark Gonzales. Need we say more? Because we’re not going to.

Don’t forget to check out the show highlights, the submitted questions, and the links and mentions from this week’s episode. And, as always, send shit for Tim to talk about next time here:

Listen below via Soundcloud and subscribe to the podcast through iTunes.


[00:57] Street Fights.
[02:29] Gonz’s first handrail.
[08:25] “What’s the best trick that you didn’t get on film?”
[12:53] “When you kickflipped ‘the Gonz Gap’ at EMB did you say, “I kickflipped the ‘me’ gap?”
[13:58] “Are you bummed on Blind for still using graphics you made?”
[17:00] “How do you feel about Vision still printing your pro board but without your name?”
[20:35] “Is it hard being Mark Gonzalez?”


[24:25] Morgan Campbell: “Who was the first person you saw use paint pen on their grip on their griptape?”
“What is your best Lee Ralph/Gregor Rankine story?”
“Which cities have you called home? If you could combine three cities which would they be? What would you call it?”
“Who in your opinion has the best style?”

[26:00] Jacob Bates: “Who influences you artistically nowadays?”

[26:35] Elias Sidney Blood: “Mark, did you ever consider going back to the car wash after that wicked slam? And on a scale of 1 to 10 how gnar was that slam in your history of slams?”

[27:20] Ryan Israel: “Mark, what is your most pleasant childhood memory?”

[27:38] Nathan Felty: “How do you maintain your youthful fun outlook on life all the time?”
“Has having a child recently effected your outlook on life or your skating?”
“Who’s your favorite person to send MS Paint emails to?”

[28:10] Mike Cullen: “Mark, who are some of your favorite skaters today? And…… did Jake Johnson land that switch flip back lipslide on the black hubba in that YouTube vid? (Or can u not tell me?)

[28:54] George Andreozzi: “Please elaborate on what it was like actually being a prisoner on Alcatraz and actually being allowed to skateboard there while serving time. Why were you incarcerated? Were the other prisoners jealous of your special treatment? Was your skateboard delivered via birthday cake? I need to know.”

[32:42] Daniel Mueller: “Mark, why do you carry around big wads of cash? I remember a video where you bump a car with your bike, then hand the driver a couple hundred bucks.”

[33:20] Danny Kinley: “Tim, ask Mark whatever happened to the ‘Pop Toe’ shoe?”


Gonz’s first handrail in NYC.
Gonz films Jake Johnson try a switch flip back lip on Blubba.
Behind the Bryce Kanights photo of Gonz at Alcatraz.

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  1. Claire

    August 18, 2015 9:26 am

    These podcasts are great. I’d love for “youse guys” to do one with Mike Maldonado!

  2. Larry

    August 18, 2015 6:35 pm

    I liked this and part 1 a lot. Thanks!

  3. NY Dingus

    September 13, 2015 10:55 pm

    Put Jesse “Juicy Elbows” Alba on the show

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