October 8, 2015/ / MIX SERIES/ Comments: 12


If you were a kid running around in the early ’00s obsessed with Bam, don’t be ashamed, some of us were those kids too. At the time, Bam was the most influential figure in skating, outselling Tony Hawk decks for months or even years. Through Bam a generation of skaters got hooked on making stupid skits with their friends and CKY, both the band and the video series.

As a precursor to Jackass, the CKY videos were full of everything exciting – hijinx, weird stunts, stupid people, and, of course, some pretty damn memorable skate montages. As time goes on, there hasn’t really been much in skating to fill those shoes ā€“ the CKY / Jackass / Big Brother type vibes ā€“ and as skating gets more serious, that is more and more needed.

For Jenkem Mix 35 we decided to take a trip back, remembering all the questionable music Bam got us hooked on through CKY. This one is dedicated to anyone that bought a Bam board, drew a heartogram on their griptape, or waited days on end for the videos to finish downloading on Kazaa.

Listen to it below, or download it here.


More Mixes? Check out Lucas Puig, Aaron Herrington, Riley Hawk, Anthony Pappalardo, Jim Greco, John Cardiel, Alien Workshop, Brian Anderson, Baker, Bronze, Brad Cromer, Alex Olson, Sage Elsesser, THPS, Sean Pablo or Jesse Alba.


  1. Dave

    October 18, 2015 7:40 pm

    Awesome mix

  2. fakie wallie

    January 20, 2016 8:18 pm

    can’t believe there is no dimmu borgir, what gives

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