July 18, 2016/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 24

Hello friends and internet people,

After half a decade of surfing the internet for too many hours and coming down with severe cases of Computer Vision Syndrome, we decided it was time to make it official and finally put this online magazine onto paper. It’s been a long time coming, but we are proud to present the very first printed edition of Jenkem Mag, aptly titled Jenkem Vol 1.

This isn’t really just some retrospective or anniversary thing we slapped together, it’s the first physical edition of our mag, featuring some of our favorite old stuff alongside a shit ton of new stuff we worked on just for this. And because this is our first run, we decided to go big. No thin, floppy newsprint for us — we went straight to hardcover and full-color glossy pages with the support from Cons.

Jenkem Vol. 1 is shipping August 8th, but if you want a little something extra, you can put in a preorder now. As a nice thank you, we’ll make sure to include a fat sticker pack as well as some other special goodies that will only be available to those premature purchasers.

We’re hoping to get these things into every skateshop near and far, so put in a good word for us and tell them to hit us up for copies.

Thank you for all the support over the years!
Much more to come.

Your friends,

For additional info hit up
For Media / Press stuff, hit up
Shops / Wholesale, email






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  1. stephen barrett

    July 19, 2016 9:13 am

    copped! *fist emoji

  2. neil

    July 19, 2016 3:50 pm

    Will these mags be available to skateshops in Canada?

  3. Jules L

    July 20, 2016 3:22 am

    Tight! Pre-ordered that shit right away!

  4. YK

    July 20, 2016 12:02 pm

    How much for shipping to Japan?

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