November 13, 2017/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 33

When Avril Lavigne came out with her classic hit “Sk8er Boy” fifteen years ago, it marked a major change in how suitable skateboarders appeared to potential mates. When once we were written-off as major losers not worth the price of a prophylactic, now you’ll get thirsty looks and maybe even a catcall or two even if you’re just carrying your skateboard. Girls love it, guys love it. Everyone in 2017 loves skateboarders – or at least they think they do.

But nothing’s really changed in how awkward skaters can be when faced with a real world opportunity to score. It’s only human to turn shy or too talkative when on a date, all the blood is rushing from your noggin to your nether-regions. So, in an effort to help skaters capitalize on their exotic eroticism to non-skaters, we decided to start a series where we set up skaters with normies on a blind first date. And to up the awkwardness of the whole thing, we filmed it all for your viewing pleasure.

For the first episode of “Date a Sk8er,” we set up Tyler, a lovable galoot from Texas, with Valeria, a young Russian fashion designer/bar hand, and had them hit a bar nearby the Jenkem office. A match made in heaven, or the date from hell? Watch to find out…

Wanna be our next participant? If you live in / can get to the NYC area, send a short profile video explaining why we should set you up to All gender identities and sexual orientations welcome!

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  1. Soukie

    November 14, 2017 11:11 am

    That Val girl is fucking 10/10

  2. Roler MWoore

    November 14, 2017 6:42 pm

    Not all nice guys finish last. Good work boys.


    November 17, 2017 8:42 am


  4. Hunter S. ThompsAnon

    November 18, 2017 3:18 am

    Protip: Most women who hear that you still skateboard at 26 think “manchild”

    The exception is some alt chick with a delayed badboy fetish she didn’t get to indulge in highschool, in which case she’s as dead set on not growing up as much as you and you’re the kook couple on the block.

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