March 26, 2018/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 11

If you’re familiar with the beloved Yaje Popson and his social media alias @yajecado, you might have wondered about his heavy feed of Avocado related posts. Curious whether this was all just some online shtick, or if Yaje is really religious to the ‘cado, we hit him up to see if he’d share a meal featuring his signature fruit. We headed over to his East Village apartment, which was tinged with the scent of sage and covered wall to wall with cultural artifacts and souvenirs from all across the globe.

While we were chopping it up in the kitchen, we discovered that food is a serious subject for Yaje, who was brought up in a Hare Krishna household. He considers a good and healthy meal to be an important part of any healing and recovery process and broke down how he has grown to take care of himself through food.

Peep the vid to get motivated to cook something healthy for yourself tonight or just close the browser, forget you watched it and the hit Mcdonald’s for a Big Mac. We won’t judge you.

Yaje’s Magic Recipe

1 cup of red lentils
1/2 diced red onion
1 diced sweet potato
1 diced large carrot
Red pepper flakes (to taste)
Whole black pepper corns (to taste)
Curry powder
1 can of coconut milk
Cinnamon (1 small pinch)
Grated turmeric (to taste)
Grated ginger (to taste)
Salt (to taste)

side dishes

Brown rice
Kale (grilled in olive oil w/ 1/2 clove of garlic)
Plantain grilled cheese sandwiches (grilled in olive oil with 1 slice of Mozarella cheese)
Sliced avocado

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  1. burgerboy12

    March 26, 2018 2:43 pm

    inspiring boys.
    this was a good video!!!
    still may take you up on the big mac tho

  2. bombsicle

    March 26, 2018 3:48 pm

    This was true and real. Thought it was gonna be some wack hippie crap at the start there.

  3. captaincheddar

    March 26, 2018 4:21 pm

    i love yaje

  4. Johnny Murph

    March 26, 2018 8:05 pm

    Awesome video! Very original and engaging, with some solid editing. Keep it up!

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