May 14, 2018/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 18

The thing that always bothered me about “Day In The Life” sections is they always looked so planned and scripted. Like the camera guy comes in and “wakes the skater up,” they visit a couple cool spots, “accidentally” bump into all their homies, crack a beer, and fade to black.

So naturally (stupidly) for this segment, we did the total opposite. We met up with the Gang Corp guys at the New York Supreme Courthouse and did whatever they were feeling. Rolling around Manhattan 20-deep was hectic, but we got some clips and somehow ended up on a boat.

If you’re not familiar with Gang Corp, they’re a New York-based crew that’s been making skate videos to shine a light on the sketchier hijinx the city offers. Rappers making it rain at the skate park? Starting kung-fu fights in Chinatown? Playing cee-lo in the middle of a subway car? Check, check, and check!

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  1. Skatebro1000%always

    March 23, 2019 2:35 am

    Pretty pointless, kids who smoke the dope and cuss. Lotta problem and no tricks. Could just went to my local park and seen a front tail. 3 thumbs down.

  2. Velma Girard

    February 12, 2020 5:38 pm

    How’s it going, wish6one?

    Don’t you wish you could be Instagram cool?

    Well, today I will teach you some things that will improve the way you Instagram.

    Imagine: it is the wee hours of the morning and you told yourself you’d hit the gym today.

    You roll over in bed to check your cell.

    Flipping to Instagram.

    You‘re flabbergastered at what is waiting for you: Over 652 likes on a single one of your pictures! There, you see a flurry of likes on your pictures–over 832 on a single photo alone.

    You hop out of your bed, meander to the kitchen. You want a drink, so you place the kettle on for some tea, and check Instagram again.

    Bam! Another 38 likes.

    Here comes another one. This time it is not a like but a message from one of your followers. They flatter you on your success and let you know they love waking up to your content.

    A smile appears on your face as you receive another message. This person emailed you to let you know she loves your posts.

    As you begin to respond, your phone buzzes again.

    It’s another message coming in. You glance up at the clock–almost time for the gym. You’ll have to hit them up later.
    Let’s stop the simulation there. People have a hard time achieving what they want in life. People can hardly force themselves to eat a good breakfast.

    Now, this is the point in time where you learn to take control of your Instagram.

    Imagine if you increased your engagement by 100%, or 1000%?

    Truth is, it is not the most difficult thing in the world to get more. As an example, all the old pros use our website.

    In just minutes after posting, we get your images piled with likes.

    If you’re anything like our other customers, you will have a great chance of hitting the “Top Post” section in a very short time.

    Sound too good for reality? Just follow these steps to get a taste:
    1. Check out https://brightjam.space
    2. Put your Instagram username.
    3. Your three most recent uploads will get 10 – 15 likes. Just like that.

    Being a regular on that page will accelerate your growth 10x, easy. But if you want the fame, you’ve got to reach for it. Are you ready?

    See you soon.

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