May 30, 2018/ / ARTICLES/ Comments: 22

Growing up I’d heard the stereotype that skateboarders were bad at school, but I personally never saw it play out. A lot of the skateboarders I met in high school were kinda nerdy. One of them even scored a perfect 2400 on his SAT without studying, I’d heard. So it comes as both a surprise and expectation that skateboarders will finally get their own international academic conference, called appropriately, Pushing Boarders, taking place June 1-3 in London.

Pushing Boarders will consist of seven talks given by small groups of panelists on topics including race, female representation, and urban architecture, all as they pertain to skateboarding. The conference is the joint effort of Theo Krish and Philip Joa from SkatePal, Stuart Maclure from Long Live Southbank, and Thom Callan-Riley, Sander Hölsgens, and Dani Abulhawa from Re-verb Skateboarding.

If you think skateboarding would be better off not dressing up in tweed and getting overanalyzed, you’re too late. People have been writing scholarly books, papers, and articles on the topic for the past 20 years, there just hasn’t been a centralizing community to organize all that thoughtful work. It’s not unheard of for professors to include skateboarding articles on college syllabi too.

The organizers told me one of their primary reasons for creating the conference is to show younger skateboarders that it’s possible to pursue skateboarding academically. “Skaters who want to stay close to skateboarding when they go to university might study graphic design or filmmaking, things with an obvious connection to jobs in the [skate] industry,” they wrote me. “But we want to make this connection through the humanities and social sciences. If you want to do something with film, anthropology, charities, urban space, South Korea, social policies, pedagogy…why not use skateboarding as the prism to understand these fields?”

The panelists generally have distinct backgrounds and areas of expertise from one another — one panelist for instance, Dr. Åsa Bäckström, teaches at a health science school in Sweden and has been researching skateboarders for two decades, while another panelist, Karl Watson, is known for doing spine-twisting grinds and writing a children’s book — representing the inclusivity and eccentricity that skateboarding fosters.

Panelists also include a number of Jenkem writers and contributors — Anthony Pappalardo, Kyle Beachy, and Ted Barrow — as well as folks we’ve interviewed before, like Alexis Sablone and Neftalie Williams the Skateboarding Ambassador.

So if you happen to be in London goofing off for Summer break or know someone who is, head over to the conference to get your serious skate nerd on. Attendance at any of the talks is free but you have to register online beforehand.

And if you can’t make it, don’t worry. All the talks will be recorded and uploaded online afterward. “So many academic conferences cost hundreds to attend and then the findings/discussions are put in journals behind paywalls. This means hardly anyone outside certain circles get to read them. We’re all about making it available to everyone,” the organizers told me.

Our editor CK, who recently hacked Street League for beers, will be there so if you see him feel free to hit him with an old fashioned spitball or complain to him in person about his Office Picks. Cheers, mate!

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  1. Dixon

    May 30, 2018 10:40 pm

    Wait… you guys have an editor? Why do the majority of your articles have typos/grammatical errors that any reasonable middle schooler would pick up?

    • CK

      May 31, 2018 7:26 am

      Who ever said we were smarter than a reasonable middle schooler? Also, I do content editing, not copyediting. But I think that was a typo anyway, it should’ve said, “Our creditor CK…” Pay up, Jenkem, bail from SLS jail wasn’t cheap!

      • Dixon

        May 31, 2018 3:56 pm

        Touché, touché. It was foolish of me to have said anything; you guys do the best job in skateboarding media, and I truly appreciate it. Please keep up the work, errors and all (and I mean that genuinely).

    • Jenkem Staff

      June 2, 2018 12:20 pm

      Dixon our dick

    • Norton

      December 21, 2018 10:10 am

      In spite of article’s content I think it’s written by a college student! What did you suppose from the topic where the jstore was mentioned? Grown men are not interested in such kind of stuff. Poor grammar? That means that he didn’t use Edubirdie ( ) at least. So author wasn’t a schooler either.

      • Martha Smith

        January 7, 2019 6:00 am

        Yes, this article is written by a college student. I think you can’t suggest anything about a grown man what they like or wanna which kind of stuff it totally depends on nature.if they are not using proper grammar you can’t point out this way because you should appreciate and then suggest something according to our discussion visit our website.

  2. Big Willy style

    May 31, 2018 12:09 pm

    Film this and upload it to YouTube for all skateboarders to see! ?

  3. Jesse/Chickenman

    May 31, 2018 4:22 pm

    BA Sociolgy minor art history Framingham State University2008,20 plus years thrashing
    Needless to say a lot could be said but I’ll keep things straight up. There is a major dichotomy in the way things turned out for me. I have no car, no freinds,a small handbuilt skate park and a rad living space. Education has led me down an incongruent path indeed. My 10 year reunion is this weekend and it is sad and yet not surprising I won’t be able to attend. I will always choose the board over adoration. To any curious parties(not Asian design majors) I wrote many papers and studied skateboarding as a subculture in depth. There is also a rad cement bump on campus. Thanks for listening to my horseshit

  4. James Smokemore Wead

    May 31, 2018 4:58 pm

    What happened to the regulate series???? Favorite video series right now.

    • Jenkem Staff

      June 1, 2018 12:23 am

      working on a longer form project.
      austin is the man and regulate ain’t goin anywhere.
      in time!

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