March 7, 2019/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 12

Mikey Alfred, the architect of World Star 4 Kidz (a.k.a. Illegal Civ), has had a busy year. He co-produced Jonah Hill‘s polarizing coming-of-age skate film, Mid90s, he wrapped up and released IC3 (Illegal Civ’s third full-length skate vid), and he put on a full-day music event with Redbull Music at Los Angeles’ famed Pink Motel.

Curious to see what this young movie buff is like in person, we visited Mikey in LA to check out his crib. Unlike every other 20-year-old, Mikey lives in a building that’s otherwise filled with old people (which kinda explains his affinity for cardigans). He showed us some of his favorite memorabilia, challenged us to Connect Four (and lost), then drove us to Biebel’s Park to give us a taste of that real, indoor street skating life.

The next day we swung by the festival and ran into the most LA crowd we’ve ever seen. Think copious weed smoke, dad hats galore, and a nauseating amount of pastel-colored clothing.

Check out our little recap in the player above to see all the #lifestylehammer Instagrammable moments you missed out on, or just put your phone in a blender and drink it.

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  1. sk8 fan

    March 7, 2019 3:34 pm

    damn that skate section was heavy

  2. Andy C

    March 7, 2019 3:34 pm

    nice work jenkem + IC
    Porn + Farting (not together) is ideal

  3. JP

    March 7, 2019 3:51 pm

    I mean Obama seems like a cool guy but I’ve never heard him talk about jacking off, so can you really trust that old ass dude?

  4. Your momma toucha de pee pee

    March 8, 2019 1:31 am

    This is not skateboarding. Makes me glad I do not ride a skateboard anymore. This kid is a weasel.

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