May 26, 2021/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 4

Most of you may have already picked up on it, but we’re trying to diversify and shine a light on skateboarding beyond our NYC bubble as much as possible lately. There’s only so many times you can loiter around LES filming street antics until it starts to feel a bit unimaginative and lazy.

Our friend Alex Coles (the video essay mastermind) had the idea to hit up Mariah Duran for a little session in her hometown for some left field content for the site. He got her to rally her crew to go check out some famed New Mexico ditches for that American Southwest skate flavor we rarely feature.

The sheer number of ditches around the Albuquerque area give the city a highly recognizable look on camera and we hope this video gives you a quick glimpse into a skate life most of us will never experience firsthand.

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  1. Dona Ana kid

    May 27, 2021 7:48 pm

    Why you guys put her on blast about the peanut butter whiskey ?‍♂️?

  2. A-L-B-U... Querque

    May 27, 2021 7:48 pm

    I wonder if she stayed at the world-famous Albuquerque Holiday Inn

  3. Philipp graf

    May 28, 2021 10:06 am

    Awesome spots, landscape and people. Really a nice glimpse what it might Be chilling with them

  4. Theressasnakeinmyboot!

    June 3, 2021 5:47 pm

    Fuck sake, it must be class to live in the desert! It’s on y list hit one of those fuckers up!

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