April 10, 2022/ / VIDEOS/ Comments: 14

A number of parts from Ruining Skateboarding are already floating around on the web, but we’re happy to offer you one last loosie before the full thing drops in its entirety in a few days.

We’ve been watching Marbie for a while now, and her parts for Krux and pro part for There were standouts for us over the past year or so. Her skating is always fun, sometimes even a little left field. She’ll pull something incredibly tech or even goofy out of nowhere, and you truly never know what you’re gonna get from one clip to the next.

In a time where everyone is overcalculated and precious about their image, Marbie is someone that reminds us that, as much as skating is cool, it’s also about experimenting, trying new things, and not being afraid to shake things up even if people might not “get it.”

Peep the vid above and keep your eyes out for a new run of There products and the full video in the very near future.

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  1. Jason Jessee

    April 12, 2022 7:26 pm

    I wish all skaters would wear mask, and cariumas. ? ?

  2. this is it

    April 13, 2022 10:10 am

    so inspiring to see. thanks for supporting.

  3. Alex

    April 15, 2022 1:19 pm

    Well, why not. Enough hyper jockish Joslin skaters out there. Many of the tricks are legit surprising/creative in here, I liked it.

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